Manual espresso machines hearken back to the original espresso making experience where you are involved in every single step of the process. Here we nail down the best lever espresso machines on the market today.
In my opinion, the La Pavoni Europiccola is the best value for money in this range, but let’s see what I found during my research.
So, How Does This Manual Espresso Machine Work?
For true espresso connoisseurs, there’s often nothing like a high-end manual espresso machine. After all, this is the way this type of coffee was originally made, before there were things like electricity and steam to make the process more automated.
These machines are also known as lever espresso machines, because of the simple fact that you usually have to pull a lever to make them work.
The basic idea behind espresso is that you force a small amount of water through coffee grounds to make a super-strong small cup of coffee. In the case of a manual espresso machine, you and, more specifically, your arm strength, are the force that makes the water go through the grounds.
For many people, this is the quintessential espresso experience. You grind your beans, spoon them into the appropriate location. Add water, heat it, and then force it through the ground beans.
For your troubles, you get an extremely strong, extremely tasty little cup of coffee.
While the manual espresso maker is possibly not good for some people who struggle with arm strength, most people will find them a fun and a pleasure to use. If this seems like it might be too much work there are many other types of coffee maker available, and here is an overview of the best home coffee machine in each category.
Let’s take a look at the best lever espresso machines
At A Glance – Best Lever Espresso Machines
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1) La Pavoni Europiccola Espresso Machine
With 2 manual espresso makers in the top three best sellers, La Pavoni is a brand to take seriously and to consider when buying a lever espresso machine.
The La Pavoni Europiccola is perfect for making espresso and other speciality coffee drinks in the comfort and privacy of your own home. No longer do you have to go to a coffee shop to get these, but you can make them yourself.
The EPC-8 offers all-steel construction under heavy chrome plating, so it should last and last.
In addition, it comes with a tamper, screen, screen holder, measuring ladle, cappuccino attachment, as well as an instructional video for getting started with it all.
So there’s no reason to be intimidated, even though the machine itself can look confusing. In no time at all, you’ll be making the coffee drinks you love, at a fraction of the price you’d pay in a coffee shop… [Read The Full La Pavoni Europiccola Review]
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2) La Pavoni PBB-16 Professional
The La Pavoni Professional PBB-16 is not only one of the best lever espresso machines, but also a work of art.
Made by the Europiccola company and coming straight from Italy, its nickel plating and solid brass boilers will look good in any kitchen. In fact, it’s so striking that it just might become your new centerpiece!
After all, everyone who sees it will want to know just a little bit more about it.
Not only is it pretty, but it makes great coffee. With a 38 ounce boiler capacity, you can make up to 16 of the traditional 2-once cups of espresso.
It’s heating elements are made of stainless steel, and have 1000 watts of power coursing through them. This makes sure that your water gets to just the right temperature, and does so fast.
And just in case something goes wrong, it also comes with a re-set fuse, so you can get things working again in no time.
Finally, this lever espresso machine has a dual frothing cappuccino system, so you don’t have to drink the coffee straight unless you want to. Thus, it gives you the most control possible over your brew… [Read Full La Pavoni PBB-16 Professional Review]
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3) Elektra ART-S1CO Micro Casa
The superior Elektra ART-S1CO MicroCasa is developed for use at home, its a fantastic piece of kit that doesn’t generate a great deal of noise each morning!
The Micro Casa boasts a great looking chrome and brass finish, wood handles and a brass eagle on the dome to enhance the decor of your home.
The belief is that producing espresso is hard using a manual espresso machine and yet that simply just isn’t correct.
This Elektra espresso machine comes with a spring inside the piston that delivers the correct pump pressure at each and every pull.
It features a water level sight glass which shows the amount of water inside the boiler.
And A pressure gauge that displays the amount of steam pressure within the boiler. So when the needle is within the green sector, it indicates the optimum time to extract espresso… [Read Full Elektra Espresso Machine Review]
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Gaggia 11400 Achille Espresso Machine
The Achille Gaggia is recognized as being the founder of the modern lever espresso maker, and so you wouldn’t think an appliance that carries his name will let you down.
This is a unique vintage-looking Gaggia coffee machine is indeed a throwback, with a round body, stainless-steel housing, along with domed water tank, the Achille will certainly get a person’s attention.
Whenever friends see this unit in your home, they’ll instantly believe you’re an experienced Barista, and they had better be right. As being a direct lever espresso machine, this specific model is definitely not for novices.
You’ve got to learn how to grind, tamp, measure water as well as pull the actual lever using the optimal pressure.
So how does this machine measure up against the best manual espresso machine on the market?.. [Read Full Achille Gaggia Review]
Aeropress Coffee and Espresso Maker
The Aeropress is a very different kind of manual espresso machine. It’s concept is completely new, offering rich, concentrated coffee taste without the bitterness and acidity that so many people hate.
It’s extremely fast, too – it only takes 1 minute to make between 1 and 4 cups of either American or Espresso coffee.
In addition, this machine requires you to use water that is not but not boiling, finely-ground coffee, and a special filter that allows all the taste to get through to your cup but none of the grit.
If you’re looking for a new sort of espresso experience, the Aeropress may be for you. It’s not a traditional lever espresso machine by any means, but it produces coffee that many espresso drinkers have come to love.
You’ll have to froth your milk separately, though, which is worth keeping in mind if you’re considering this lever espresso maker.
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I have the Elektra. It makes great coffee. But there is an appalling design weakness. Under the tray there is a bolt which holds the plastic footing to the stainless steel base. It’s not necessary. The footing could be attached easily from below. Water overflow over the years has gathered around that bolt and rusted out the base! Moisture then gets underneath the machine and fouls up the electrics.
Chris, you are absolutely right about the design flaw.
I love the Elektra though, it’s so versatile, and it looks stunning.
What about the “Flair” manual lever espresso maker? How would you compare results & ease of use (arm strength) with the Pavoni?